Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ch 10 #2

I think Liodice's argument is better than Wootan's because Wootan has a bunch of guidelines that could eventually turn into rules. When there are rules that children have to follow, most will follow without thinking about why there is a rule for this and that or why this food can't be eaten or why that food can be eaten. The children will not learn anything about the right food choices and the wrong ones. Children have to be educated about the type of food there is and the ingredients in it. By calling some food, "bad food," the children that feel rebellious will want to eat those types of food even more. Parents have an important part in teaching their children what is healthy and what isn't. After time, the children will find the healthy choice the choice they will choose without thinking. Sometimes I wonder why people don't like vegetables, but I think it is because my parents taught me when I was young that they are good.

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