Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ch. 4 #2

Condon believes that studying UFO is not a study that can get a lot of fruit out of it. He believes that finding information on UFOs is hard because when we want information, we look to specialists and there are no specialist in this subject. Some people believe that they might be specialists in the topic of UFOs, but these people can not get the approval and acceptance from the rest of society. Although he thinks studying UFOs is not fruitful, he believes that the people who have the skills and training to do it should be supported. 
Hynek believes that UFOs exists in the world and wants people who claim that they have sighted UFOs to tell their story. He wants to gather more data on this topic 
I think Payner's argument is the most appealing to me, because he is pretty much saying that everything is a just a theory, until there is some actual proof. 

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