Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ch 4 #1

Knowledge is the information learned from one's environment and school that the person believes to be true. Wisdom is similar to knowledge, but it is more likely to be acquired through experience from the environment and not really from schools. Wisdom is the information we can take and put into action. I feel like wisdom would kind of be like the common sense we learn without it being taught to us. 
I believe in college we are learning more knowledge than wisdom. Classes are teaching us information that the professor believes is true and therefore, we should believe it is true. If not, we debate with the professor. All the information I'm learning in college seems like it is just knowledge I might have to remember to use in the future or just remember long enough to pass a test. If wisdom is being acquired in college, it is more outside of the classroom than inside. 
I think the information age has made us more knowledgeable than wiser because there is so much information on the internet now that we can easily access and read - and memorize to tell other people later. Wisdom is more like going out and trying things on their own. An example can be reading how to ride a bike and watching a video on Youtube, but without going out and actually trying, that person doesn't actually know how to ride it. That person only knows the steps down. 

1 comment:

  1. That is a smart statement when you say that school teaches us, but when one applys that knowledge give that is wisdom. The use of the teaching; therefore, it comes as a necessity. Wisdom is also what one believes’ to be true that concept tells me one knows how to think for himself. Not all professors believe that all they teach is true. One thing I do is challenge my instructor and the book. I believe that experts should be challenge because I am paying for a course. I have yet to find one instructor who believes that all his teaching are true or should not be challenge. Know the steps is essential to riding a bike. Either way wisdom comes sometimes by falling. This is hard to grasp. Yet wisdom is greater than just knowing.
