Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ch 11 #3

A concept that was in the Boss textbook that caught my eye was the one about the news. I didn't really realize until recently because of this class and my History class. We were talking about politics and the media. I learned that the news like to report disasters, violence and gossip because that is what people are interested in. Even though there are more important things that the people could be informed about, the news over look it because some actor is dating someone and it's a scandal or something. My history teacher said that if the news are not making money, than it is not important because that is what the bosses want. They want money. The way to get money is to affect another's emotions. Most people empathize with other people so when sad stories show up between your show as a commercial for the news, the person would most likely stay on the channel after the show to watch whatever sad story the news has to tell. The news doesn't show the more interesting stories first though. They want their news to be watched all the way through so the most important ones are always near the end or the last one.

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