Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ch 11 #2

Sadler believes in a strict policy when it comes to plagiarism. Sadler does not feel like plagiarism is far for either teachers or students therefore the matter of plagiarism should be punished seriously for all who participated. Expelling students should be promoted in Universities to make a example of these students to prevent other students from trying it. Sadler believes that giving F's are not good enough to stop students from trying to risk the chance of getting away with plagiarism.
Hunt believes that plagiarism helps students. He also believes it helps teachers. Hunt believes that plagiarism forces them to teach their students the important things in the university.
Both writers have a good argument that appeals to our emotions. Sadler focuses on the negative aspects of plagiarism where as Hunt thinks plagiarism can help teachers help their students.
I believe the Sadler has a better argument because she explains her position well. She also tells the readers what plagiarism do to not just the person who chose to plagiarize but the people who do not too. 


  1. I agree with what you said that Sadler makes the better argument because she clearly explains her stance on this issue. She addresses and focuses on the students and teachers that are affected unlike Hunt who only address those that commit plagiarism. Sadler also does not evoke too much rhetoric in her paper and does not use the first person point of view and just focuses on what she is arguing for. Hunt, on the other hand, uses more unnecessary emotion and generalizations that make his argument weaker than Sadler’s. Besides, how can plagiarism be an okay thing? I know that if someone plagiarized my paper, I would be upset.

  2. Sadler’s argument is much stronger compared to Hunt’s arguments. I agree that she has a better explanation because you can understand her position well. She gives a lot of examples on why not to plagiarize and what the consequences can and should be. Hunt’s argument was not as strong because he didn't have solid evidence that it helps anyone. Sure he has some examples but they were not as compelling as Sadler’s argument that she proposed in her part. I believe that Sadler’s part is something we can all agree with because it is something we were taught to follow. Through the years we were taught that plagiarizing is something that society looks down upon and it is clear that most of us would have to agree with Sadler’s position since it’s the right thing to do. We easily chose her arguments over Hunt’s because I believe Hunt’s argument is something we cannot agree with since it was not something we grew up learning. We grew up learning that plagiarizing is wrong therefore Sadler is right.
