Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ch 12: #3

The concept that I like this week is Scientific Method. When I hear it, I think back to high school and all the labs I did from Biology and Chemistry. I remember learning about it and how I thought it was very tedious. I didn't really understand the point in doing all those steps in my labs for science, but the steps make sense and is helpful in any situation. It is a good way to see if facts are only opinions and assumptions or could it be a theory. When a hypothesis is correct, then it can be considered a theory. The steps are not hard either. The steps of the scientific method can be followed for anything. I used to think it was only for science class but we can do it about everyday life. If think a neighborhood is a bad place to move in to, I can use the scientific method to figure out if the neighborhood is really safe to live in or not.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ch 12 #2

There was a time I was sitting in a restaurant by the window at night. There was a game going on so the bar right next to the restaurant was packed with people inside and out. My friend and I were observing the people outside the window, trying to assume what they were up to. Some people were so drunk, they had to sit down and there were girls being hit on or maybe they were friends with those people. I'm not sure. There is only person I did incorrect assume about. There was a guy that was hunched over the seat of a bike and it looked like he had some sort of tool. I thought he was trying to steal the seat of the bike, but when he straighten up, the seat was still on the bike so I wasn't sure what happen. I then see him turn on a light on the seat that wasn't there before. I told my friend he was trying to steal that seat but we realized that he was only putting a bike light onto the seat post.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ch 12 #1

On one site, my horoscope says "Your social life will be in full swing today, with invitations and group activities almost showered upon you. It's a shame you won't be able to take advantage of every activity, but at least make a point of catching up in the near future." 
I don't think it is true today. I did not get invitations and only got one email that is related to a group activity. I did not really talk to that many people today. Sometimes I feel like some horoscopes apply to me, but today, this doesn't. I think this could apply to make people because it is so vague, but some people might think this is really sad when it's wrong. I could think that other Cancer's are having lots of invitations to things and I could wonder why I'm not getting any. What if i slept in all day or didn't have internet for people to contact me. Well, maybe many people might have tried to contact me and it didn't get through. It could have showered me without me knowing. I never really believe in daily horoscopes because they never seemed to apply to me but I think the overall traits about my sign applies sometimes. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ch 11 #3

A concept that was in the Boss textbook that caught my eye was the one about the news. I didn't really realize until recently because of this class and my History class. We were talking about politics and the media. I learned that the news like to report disasters, violence and gossip because that is what people are interested in. Even though there are more important things that the people could be informed about, the news over look it because some actor is dating someone and it's a scandal or something. My history teacher said that if the news are not making money, than it is not important because that is what the bosses want. They want money. The way to get money is to affect another's emotions. Most people empathize with other people so when sad stories show up between your show as a commercial for the news, the person would most likely stay on the channel after the show to watch whatever sad story the news has to tell. The news doesn't show the more interesting stories first though. They want their news to be watched all the way through so the most important ones are always near the end or the last one.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ch 11 #2

Sadler believes in a strict policy when it comes to plagiarism. Sadler does not feel like plagiarism is far for either teachers or students therefore the matter of plagiarism should be punished seriously for all who participated. Expelling students should be promoted in Universities to make a example of these students to prevent other students from trying it. Sadler believes that giving F's are not good enough to stop students from trying to risk the chance of getting away with plagiarism.
Hunt believes that plagiarism helps students. He also believes it helps teachers. Hunt believes that plagiarism forces them to teach their students the important things in the university.
Both writers have a good argument that appeals to our emotions. Sadler focuses on the negative aspects of plagiarism where as Hunt thinks plagiarism can help teachers help their students.
I believe the Sadler has a better argument because she explains her position well. She also tells the readers what plagiarism do to not just the person who chose to plagiarize but the people who do not too. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ch 11 #1

The media is everywhere. There is no way of avoiding it. It will definitely influence us even if not directly. If we try to not be influenced by media, our friends are still being influenced. Our friends will influence us so media would indirectly influence us. There are people who try to avoid being influenced by media and some people don't change by media. There are people who set trends and changes media. I feel like Lady Gaga is one of those people who make trends.
The media reinforces my worldviews and values by allowing me to choose what I want to see. Allows me to see what I already believe in, especially when I'm looking at news on the internet. I could ignore all the things I'm not interested in.Sometimes when I read something dramatic, I believe the first thing I see and then I read another's opinion. Then I don't know who or what to believe.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Ch 10 #3

The concept that I liked the most in the Boss textbook is the idea of product placement. The location where items are placed in a store is a very important factor in the sales of that item. Items that are placed higher up on shelves are less likely to be seen if the customers do not specifically look up there. The same with the items on the bottom. The items placed on the middle shelves will get the most attention and will probably be bought the most. The most the items are seen by consumers, the more likely they would be bought. This does not just apply to super markets. This also applies to the T.V and advertisements outside. If these commercials are posters are seen often, people will begin to recognize that brand and will most likely to try it. Most big name companies are well aware of this and spend lots of money on advertisements to make sure people see their products.