Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ch 8 #2

Sister Helen Prejean believes that the death penalty is a violation of human dignity and thinks it is wrong. I believe than the saying, "An eye for an eye" is wrong and it does, "leave the whole world blind." If everyone believed in taking revenge every time someone has done them wrong, we will be in a never ending cycle of revenge. I believe in treating people they way I want to be treated. If someone treats me badly, then that person would probably treat me badly too. The person would probably think, "Why should I treat them nicely if they are mean to me?" The death penalty is not allowed in most of the world, and I wished America made it illegal as well. The reading said that the death penalty is legal in thirty-five states of America, which means only fifteen states don't allow it. Only fifteen states. Why do so many Americans support it? Why do so many Christians support it? The death penalty is wasting money and most of the people on death row end up dying of old age. The money spent on keeping prisoners on death row could be used on something more useful. I'm not surprised when I learned that we have the most prisons in the world.

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