Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 3-9 #3

Something that I wished the book elaborated on was the emotions and how it affects reasoning. I'm very interested in how words can affect the way we think and behave. I learned a little bit in psychology, but we did not learn how to use it in a good argument. I want to know how to use emotions and what kind of words and reasoning to make people believe in my arguments. If I knew more, I could be able to use it in my everyday life. I think it would be helpful in any situation where I will need to convince people. The only problem is learning how to use emotions to reason with people can also lead to a lot of manipulation. It would be bad to use emotions for wrong reasons. I feel like a lot of people who are good at lying are good at reading emotions and understands how to use it. I want to learn how people use these emotions to get us to believe them or buy things. I would be able to tell when someone might just be trying to trick me.

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