Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 3-9 #3

Something that I wished the book elaborated on was the emotions and how it affects reasoning. I'm very interested in how words can affect the way we think and behave. I learned a little bit in psychology, but we did not learn how to use it in a good argument. I want to know how to use emotions and what kind of words and reasoning to make people believe in my arguments. If I knew more, I could be able to use it in my everyday life. I think it would be helpful in any situation where I will need to convince people. The only problem is learning how to use emotions to reason with people can also lead to a lot of manipulation. It would be bad to use emotions for wrong reasons. I feel like a lot of people who are good at lying are good at reading emotions and understands how to use it. I want to learn how people use these emotions to get us to believe them or buy things. I would be able to tell when someone might just be trying to trick me.

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 3 - 9 #2

My favorite part of this class is that it was online. I like online classes because it saves me time for other classes and I am able to use time that could have been taken up by this class for other work, whether it be school work or actually work. I also like the required comments on other blogs. It lets us see what other people think about the topics of the week and it's nice to find someone who we can relate to or argue with. It's nice to see other point of views.
Something that I did not like was the group project. I liked the last group project because it was fun to see other people debate on the best person for the job, but it is so hard to find a time where everyone was available. It was very difficult to meet up with everyone. I don't think we were ever able to meet up as a whole group. I think for next semester, a good way to fix that is to match groups according to their schedule that can be given to the professor in the beginning of the semester.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 3-9 #1

I have learned the steps of  making a proper argument. I didn't know anything about premises and and how to structure a proper argument. I can identify a good argument and a not good one. I also noticed that the news cover certain stories to keep their viewers interested. I didn't realize that the news do a lot of stories that makes us feel certain emotions because we tend to empathize with people.
I also noticed that marketing is a lot harder than it really is. Like commercials for specific people. I remember that in high school, one class of mine looked at the different McDonald sites the company provides that is geared towards different ethnicity. I thought it was strange but if they want to get as much money as possible,  I guess it isn't impossible. The placement for objects in the store is also a very interesting marketing strategy.