Friday, August 24, 2012

Introducing me

Hi, I'm from San Francisco, but I wanted to experience life outside of the city so I applied to San Jose State. It's my second year here so far. I have not experienced life in the dorms though since an upperclassman needed a roommate in her house last year. It's fun living with a bunch of friends.
I'm currently a Liberal Studies major with the goal of becoming a teacher. I'm not sure which grade I would like to teach yet, but second grade or high school History sounds fun.
I like to spend time outside, but I also like to stay in and be on the internet. I recently became interested in biking. I'm planning on commuting with my bike to San Jose's Caltrain and from the Caltrain station in downtown SF, I would bike home. It sounds like a lot of work, but I'd feel better about myself since I'm exercising.

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