Monday, August 27, 2012

Chapter 6 #1

I don't think Barack Obama position is consistent with his beliefs in equal rights and opportunities for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, because he does not approve of same-sex marriages. If he does not agree with same-sex marriage, but approve of civil unions and equal rights for same-sex couples, then it sounds like he only supports same-sex couples to an extent. He doesn’t seem willing to support same-sex couples entirely, probably because he doesn’t want all those people who disagree to dislike him. He is just trying to please everyone. Obama would probably say it’s not a denial of the basic rights, because there are civil unions for them. 
I feel like if he was supportive, he should support the same-sex couples completely. Obama should support everything will all he has and not half-heartedly. A good example of someone who supported their own beliefs even when there was a lot of disagreement was President Eisenhower and Little Rock Nine. He supported African Americans going to school enough to send federal troops down to make sure they had a safe day at school. 


  1. Hey Rawrgles,

    I completely agree with what you just said. I truthfully think he also is half-assing his support with the gay/lesbian marriages due to not stepping on anyones toes. Because of always being luke-warm, he is able to keep both sides of his voters, thus keeping the popular vote. I think that it is wrong to do, one should either be for something or be against it, but who am I to say. When something is hot or cold, you can feel it, but when it is just luke-warm, it leaves a bitter taste. I also like how you supported your opinion with some history, it really made it more reliable. Good post!

    -Greek Guy

  2. Hello Rawrgles,

    I also agree with the points you made in your blog post. Because of the politics that reside with being the President of the United States, it makes it difficult to fully support same-sex marriage, but I believe that he should choose a side. In order to create change not everyone can be pleased or else things would just stay the same. Though Obama states that he supports civil unions and equal rights for same-sex couples, he really did not do anything because he opposes same-sex marriage. Basically canceling his beliefs and in reality doing nothing. I also think that if someone were to support me, I would hope for them to do it whole-heartedly. That way being the most affective.

