Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chapter 8 #1

I agree with Sherlock Holmes when he says people depend on opinions more than facts. I know lots of people who rely on what other people say rather than going to the actual source to get the real facts. I recently was told a dramatic story about my friend's friend and the group she is usually with. Something happened between her and this guy that is part of their group and he got upset over something she did or didn't do. He told everyone that she led him on even though she actually rejected him twice. He made her sound really bad and all the guys believed him. She found out about it and all the guys called her something bad so she got mad because they didn't ask her for her part of the story and just believed the guy. I asked why she didn't confront them about it. She said it has nothing to do with them and if they believe she's actually like that then she doesn't want them as friends.


  1. I think that your friend did the right thing in just simply not being their friend anymore if they are going to just believe what someone else said without looking at all the facts about her as a person, her morals, values, and her side of the story. That guy must have just been angry with her because she didn’t get with him. I don’t necessarily depend solely on opinions, however, when I see something for my own eyes then I just assume things about the situation without interacting with anyone or anything involved in the situation. I think people may rely on assumptions just because it is easier to do so although actually evaluating the situation is the correct thing to do.

  2. I agree with your statement that Holmes is trying to say that people depend on opinions more than the facts and People always depend on what other people say instead of actually getting it right from the source. Your friend did the right thing with not being friends with those people anymore. The guy was just trying to gain some respect from his friends by sounding like he was "victorious" in a way, thus resulting in some childish rumors. Instead of telling them the truth, they believed his lie, called her something that she didn’t deserve because they only heard his story and not hers, and in result ending things in a bad note between those people.

  3. I also agree with you. There are many sides to a story, and it is easy to just hear one side and think that is all to be heard and that it is the whole story. Which is why it is best to go to the source when you want to know the facts before you make an assumption that would hurt someone else. I think what happened to your friend is horrible and that I am glad that she has the courage to not care what they think because she herself knows the truth, and that is what really counts. She's better off without them.

