Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ch 8 #3

I like the Venn Diagram. It helps me because I am able to visualize the different parts of the argument. It is also useful to explain things to younger generations. The book used an example about no dogs are cats and some mammals are cats. With the venn diagram, I could show this statement to a young child and explain that cats and dogs are different things because they are in different circles. This is also a good representation for people who do not exactly understand the relationship between the three things. It can show how some statements do not make sense and is proof that it is wrong. I really like that it is easy to validate and clarify. If there were more premises, I would be too confused. I wouldn't be able to follow all the different segments because there are many lines and shaded in area. I would have to take a few minutes to think everything through and right some extra notes.


  1. Hi Rawrgles,
    I also like the Venn Diagram! I remember learning about the concept in elementary school. It's cool how we can still use it today while we are in college. I like how you said that it is useful to explain things to younger generations. I agree! I have a younger brother and I think that he may not understand some of the things I say at times ... using a Venn Diagram would definitely help. I have actually seen Venn Diagrams that have more than two circles, for example, the good grades/social life/sleep Venn Diagram. It states that good grades + sleep = no social life, good grades + social life = no sleep, and social life + sleep = no good grades. I thought that was pretty interesting ... and pretty accurate!

  2. Hello Rawrgles
    I agree with you about Venn diagrams are very usual for visualizing ideas. I too am a visualizer and it makes understanding something a lot easier when it is on a chart like a Venn diagram. I like how it so simple, but it can be used to explain complex ideas. I still remember when I had to use Venn diagrams in elementary school and even my professors now use them and it makes and shows concepts in a much simpler form. I’m glad I can still use them and I know in the future I can use them for my major.
