Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chapter 6 #2

There have been times where I have stood my ground on an issue despite the risk of losing my friends or even my job. If I truly believe that what the other party thinks is not okay, then I will not agree with them. For example, if someone I knew told me to steal for them or our friendship will be lost, I would probably stop being friends with that person. If that’s what I have to do to be someone’s friend, then I was never considered a friend to that person to begin with. I don't believe in changing myself to make people like me. I don't want to just listen and agree with the rest of the world. Being a pushover is not a dream of mine. I'll be living in an unhappy life if I was just another sheep in a herd. 
My parents and I have also had some disagreements in my career choice and we have argued about it, but I stood my ground and they don't fight me about it anymore. They do try to make other jobs sound better though.


  1. Hey Rawrgles,

    Good for you! Being strong about what you want for yourself is always a good thing to do. Always go for what you want, never for what someone else wants. Like you said, its better to be a first rate version of your self than a second rate copy of someone else. As for your career option, do what you want, not what others want. In the end , it will be you in that position doing that job you either love or hate- so make sure it is one you love. Well, best of luck to you!


    -Greek Guy

  2. I agree completely agree with you! My parents and I also had a lot of disagreements when I told them I wanted to major in CHAD. They wanted me to do something in the Medical field but I stood my ground and told them that having a job you love is really important. If I did something that my parents wanted me to do and I didn’t enjoy that then I would be miserable going to a job every day that I didn’t like going to. Its important to stand your ground for something as important as a career because you don’t want to end up being unhappy about your job for the rest of your life.

  3. Rawrgless,

    I also feel there have been times where I stood my ground in an issue dispute of losing my friends. I think the same way, if I believe something is wrong then I will not agree with the opposing person. That is good that you think that way, you should never do something that someone else tells you to do, especially if it is something like stealing. As long as you feel you are right stand up for what you believe. Recently at work there has been an issue with people taking food and eating it off of their break and that causes a loss in the inventory. I knew who it was so I told my boss, even though I knew there was a consequence of making that person dislike me.

    Luna Arzola

  4. I agree that when it comes to friendships, a friendship should never be used to force someone in doing something they don’t want to do. I think that you have to be strong willed to say no and use critical thinking skills to think about the consequences of your decision. I agree with your statement that it is better to not have a friend with that type of character. I think that when you are a strong believer about something, you don’t care about what is at stake and you will find a solution to the problem. I'm glad you realize right from wrong, even if you're about to lose a friend.

  5. Hi Rawrgles,

    I agree with you when you say that a friend who forces you to do something to keep your friendship is not a true friend. A friend is not someone who blackmails you and treats you like dirt. It is a good thing that your decision would be to walk away and stop being friends with that so called "friend", even though it may be a difficult choice to make. Nobody deserves a "friend" that would force you to do something you don't want to do. Being able to stand up for yourself shows that you are brave, which is a quality to be admired!
